by Gordon Nary

Gordon: A friend who knows that I love poetry sent me your poem Untimely Place
When I was searching to find more of your poems, I learned that you were also a filmmaker, scriptwriter, director, author, graphic designer, and a Mariologist. So before we discuss your film, please share with our readers Peru’s 2007 Act of Consecration to our Beloved Queen Virgin Mary.
Eduardo: Thanks Gordon, I'm glad to know you liked my poem. Yes, about the Act of Consecration to our Beloved Queen Virgin Mary. While working in the “Apostolate for the Family Rosary – Peru”, during the years 2006 and 2007, I was entrusted by Fr. James Phalan C.S.C., who was Director of the Apostolate in Peru at that time, to be the Coordinator of the Project: “Consagración del Perú a la Virgen María” (Consecration of Peru to Virgin Mary). The “Apostolate for the Family Rosary - Peru” was chosen to be the producers and promoters, of the printed and multimedia materials for the Act of Consecration, under the guidance and supervision of the “Peruvian Episcopal Conference”. The whole project was commanded by “Monseñor Salvador Piñeiro García-Calderón”, who was Military Bishop of Peru and Archbishop of Ayacucho in those years.
We had constant meetings with the representatives of Congregations and Lay Movements living in Peru, coinciding in the urgency to elaborate and disseminate information through printed material to all the Parishes and Dioceses of the country, so all of them could freely receive, share and copy the information to everyone about the importance of the Act of Consecration to our Beloved Queen Virgin Mary.
The Apostolate for the Family Rosary created posters, flyers, booklets, video, and radio spots released through catholic radios and “Radio María Perú”. Catholic Movements, Priests, Nuns, Lay Groups and Congregations united in Rosary prayers all year asking God for Peru´s total commitment to Virgin Mary, Mother of God.
Against all odds of every level, for example, during the disseminating stage, we had no support answer from the Peruvian commercial media, neither the Peruvian private companies showed interest.
The Consecration of Peru to the Virgin Mary was celebrated on August 30, 2007, at the ending of the IX National Eucharistic Congress, held in Chimbote, during the Holy Mass.
The Act of Consecration had the prominent presence of Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, who was the Vatican Secretary of State at that time and also all the Peruvian Bishops standing in front of the image of Virgin Mary, holding each of them a Holy Rosary, and raising their hands towards Our Lady of Peace. It was an extraordinary act of faith that I´ll never forget.
Gordon: When did your devotion to the Rosary begin and how important is the Rosary in your daily life?
Eduardo: During the year 2000, the Catholic Jubilee Year, my faith woke up thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ, during a catholic spiritual retreat organized by the Order of Friars Minor Capuchins (O.F.M.Cap). My devotion to the Holy Rosary has been always to seek the protection of Jesus Christ through the Virgin Mary's intercession. Since then I have kept praying the Holy Rosary and attending to Holy Mass.
Gordon: Please share with our readers an overview of the film analysis book that you are writing.
Eduardo: The film analysis book that I am writing is based on a Catholic insight that explores movies that have been created by filmmakers who have leading characters that must confront faith dilemmas
Gordon: What interested you in becoming a filmmaker and what were some of the initial projects on which you worked?
Eduardo: In previous years I did some scripts for another catholic production company in Lima, Peru. Documentaries about the history of one sculpture of Virgin Mary, named under the title of “Our Lady of Evangelization”, which is located in the Cathedral of Lima. The theme helped me to understand the importance of spirituality in the arts. Yes later, the desire to share a story that could explore the soul's maze started growing, and consequently, I started writing my personal project feature film.
Gordon: Approximately, how many films are produced and released each year in Peru?
Eduardo: Film production in Peru is very scarce. Approximately 40 movies are produced yearly. Of 40 movies produced, approx. 20 are allowed, based on the taste of the movie theater owner, to enter his/her renting movie theater's circuit.
Gordon: You used the book, “Enmienda Estructural” (Structural Amendment), as the basis for your screenplay. What initially attracted you to this story?
Eduardo: The evil ideology called Nazism is a root that hasn´t been eradicated from society. In many countries, from time to time, rebounds of injustice appear and Peru is no exception. Writing a story about the terrible psychological oppression, racial injustice, and linking it to triggering problems of addictions such as alcoholism, was the leitmotif that attracted me to write the screenplay.
Gordon: How long did it take for you to make the Enmienda Estructural and when was it released?
Eduardo: It took me eight months to write the adaptation of the book into a screenplay. Years later, with no local sponsors interested in the story, I decided to film the movie in two parts, during the years 2014 and 2015. The movie was officially released during the year 2016 in cultural centers.
Gordon: Here is the trailer for Enmienda Estructural
In general, what impact does the film have on society?
Eduardo: I believe that films can feed positively the mind and soul of a person in society or have an adverse effect, for example, an ultra-violent film can trigger hatred in serial killers, pedophilia crimes, femicides; pushing them to commit more crimes after watching movies that exalt these themes, acting as a catalyst for them. For me, a film can help heal a wound.