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Updated: 4 days ago


Prayer to End Abortions in Ireland

“Your Abundant Giving”


Tree-seeds, in-abundance

Lie amidst the leaves,

Sprouting bright green curls,

Rubbished to enrich the soil:

To make fertile the ground

For the Spring planting of

Vegetable seedlings.


Lord, Creator-God of Gifts!


What happens to the lives

Of so many, crushed, stolen, snapped

Out of time into eternity – whether by

Earthquake, flood, war, or the terrible

Stripping, even recycling of human beginnings,

Not discarded, but misused, frozen,

Dyed upon, dissected, shelved, stopped,

Silenced at the “expiry date”.


Lord, Have Mercy on Us!


Now, not even

Fresh vegetables and fruit

Are disposed of according to a date –

But each is examined, carefully, aware

As we are of soft, slightly rotting fruit which,

Peeled, preserves what is good and, cutting out the

Taint, tells of being edible and nutritious,

A timely scrutiny of what is still beneficial.


Lord, Let Us Waste Not!


Why, then, is the life-span of a fruit

Worth more than a human life?

What horrors will the timeline of human

Growth display if left to develop?

Who is hiding what from the work of their

Hands and, in hiding from their hands,

What is being hidden from the thoughts of

Their minds?


Lord, Let Us Listen!


Human life begins,

Joining from the start

Breaking out of separate cells,

Each part of which needs the other and more,

A skin, a place to be, diving into the tissues,

Anchoring new developments, changing

Outwardly, constantly, to show forth the presence of the

person from the first instant of beginning.


Lord, How Great Are Your Works!


What buzzing abundance, blighted,

Heaven bound, ascending like the dew

On the Summer’s light, rising, scarcely visible,

Torn from life and heart and rubbishing a relationship.

Like an un-enclosable wound, ever open to the truth

Of there being a father and a mother and uprooters,

Who yet, through the loving truth are called,

Ceaselessly, to an endless reconciliation.


Lord, Love Us In The Truth!


True seeds,

Lie in abundance amidst our wasted loves,

Flourishing in the hands of the Greatest Love,

Turning us back from looking back to going

Forward, forgiveness making fertile the ground

For the graced-Spring-planting, arising, like dew,

From the many pierced hearts, imploring

Our New Beginning.


Lord, Listen To Them !


by Francis Etheredge Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer to Reduce Abortions in China

Dear God, our Creator and Teacher.  We know your love for each of us is powerful, true and eternal - and begins long before birth.  We pray today that everyone in China will have the courage to acknowledge that love and to speak the truth about our unborn brothers and sisters and their rights as human being created in your image and likeness.  We also pray for the awakening of our fellow travelers to the rights of these children and the needs – physical, spiritual, and moral – of their mothers and fathers.  Help us to show respect and provide real help to both parents and their children.  God did give us free will, but it must be guided by reason and truth.  The choice is doing whatever you want with or without the guidance of reason or truth.  May the strength of your love show us all a better path for ALL human Denise Mackura Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer for Unborn Children and Their Mothers

Dear God:

Today there are many people who deny the existence and value of your children in the wombs of their mothers.  As has happened to so many groups of humans before, this denial makes it possible to provide legal and cultural sanctions to the brutal ending of these innocent lives and denies us all the opportunity to witness their beauty.  We pray today for the wisdom to discover how to open the hearts and minds of every American to unborn children at risk of being aborted.  We also pray for the parents of all unborn children, that they may have the grace and strength to care for the glorious gift of life you have given them.

by Denise Mackura Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer on the Challenge of Abortions

The headlines stream about thousands of abortions.

The news is disheartening.

More, it is heart saddening.

Truly sad.

Not for the infants.  They are with the Lord

But consider the sorrow and pain of mothers and fathers who are driven to such ends.

How their hearts must ache. How their hearts must bleed.

Lord, look with pity on them. Touch them.  Heal them. Forgive them.

Please.  Please forgive them. Heal their Father David O. Brown, O.S.M. Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe

Virgin of Guadalupe, Patroness of unborn children,

we implore your intercession for every child at risk of abortion.

Help expectant parents to welcome from God

the priceless gift of their child’s life.

Console parents who have lost that gift through abortion,

and lead them to forgiveness and healing

through the Divine Mercy of your Son.

Teach us to cherish

and to care for family and friends until God calls them home.

Help us never to see others as burdens.

Guide our public officials

 to defend each and every human life through just laws.

Inspire us all to bring our faith into public life,

to speak for those who have no voice.

We ask this in the name of your Son,

Jesus Christ, who is Love and Mercy itself.


Submitted by  Wayne Smith  


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