Book Reviews and Commentaries
Unfolding a Post-Roe World by Francis Etheredge Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D.Profiles in Catholicism
Unfolding a Post-Roe World by Francis Etheredge Reviewed by Monica Rapeanu STL Profiles in Catholicism
Articles and Commentaries
Fertility rates show pro-life laws saved 22,000 lives in 2023, study finds by Kate Quiñones Catholic News Agency, The Catholic World Report
Longtime attorney, marcher, elected to lead the March for Life by John Lavenburg Crux
Chicago Pregnancy Center Vandalized as Democratic National Convention Closes by Peter Pinedo Catholic News Agency
89-year-old death camp survivor convicted for pro-life protest faces jail time by Daniel Payne Catholic News Agency/Angelus
Pro-life association denounces indoctrination at Olympics by Almudena Martínez-Bordiú Catholic News Agency
Three more pro-life activists sentenced under FACE Act by Peter Pinedo Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Final pro-life activist sentenced for part in abortion clinic blockade gets 24 months in prison by Kurt Jensen Our Sunday Visitor
Judge nixes North Carolina protections, allows non-doctors to prescribe abortion pills by Catholic Vote
Zero abortions in Arkansas for 2023: A pro-life victory by Adriana Azarian National Catholic Register
Bishops attack Boric’s plan to promote abortion and euthanasia in Chile by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
Pro-life groups accuse NY AG of censoring their work in new lawsuit by Kate Scanlon Our Sunday Visitor
Pro-life pregnancy centers provided over $367.9 million worth of services in 2022 by Tyler Arnold, Catholic News Agency/Angelus
Pro-lifers sent off to prison, witnesses of light in the darkness by Monica Migliorino Miller The Catholic World Report
Kansas Legislature enacts four pro-life bills over governor’s vetoes by Catholic News Agency/Angelus
Toronto trustees oppose pro-life flag at its Catholic schools by Quinton Amundson Catholic News Agency
Police escort again needed at Manchester University to protect pro-life speaker from screaming pro-abortion mob by James Jeffrey The Catholic Herald
‘Terrified’ pro-life student group needs police protection from baying mob at Manchester University by James Jeffrey Catholic Herald
Falsehoods about the Alabama Supreme Court ruling involving in vitro fertilization (IVF) deserve refutation. We also need a close examination of the incoherence of current U.S. law. by John M. Grondelski, Ph.D. The Catholic News World
Students at Manchester University want to end pro-life society by Madalaine Elhabbal Catholic Vote
English Catholic priest vindicated for ‘pro-life’ opinion in end-of-life case by Joe Bukuras Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
President, member of Vatican academy strike back at pro-life critics by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Six pro-life activists convicted and face a decade in prison by Daniel Payne Catholic News Agency
Catholics join the battle for Poland's pro-life laws by Luke Coppen The Pillar
Pope applauds pro-life leader after key Italian vote on assisted suicide by Crux
Undercover Israeli troops dressed as medical staff kill three militants in West Bank hospital raid, officials say by Abeer Salman CNN
Pope applauds pro-life leader after key Italian vote on assisted suicide by Crux
Six Pro-Life Advocates on Trial for FACE Act Charges by Jack Figge Catholic Vote
Pro-Life Pregnancy Center Sues NJ Attorney General for Discriminatory Subpoena by Catholic Vote
Peruvian bishops hail new law that specifies the rights of the unborn child by Diego Lopez Marina ACI Prensa/The Catholic News Agency
North Carolina Right to Life celebrates 50 years, looks back and forward by The Catholic World Report
Illinois Attacks Pro-Life Clinics, Immediately Faces Lawsuit by Catholic Vote
Ireland: Homily of Bishop Kevin Doran before Rally For Life by Independent Catholic News
Our Post-Roe world needs to see ‘love’ from us in pro-life work by Kathryn Jean Lopez National Catholic Register
A Boy with a Piercing Gaze: What Was His Fate during the Holocaust? by United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
The Teenager’s Paintings by The United States Holocaust memorial Museum
A new version of the famous Holocaust diary is being called ‘Anne Frank pornography’ and getting banned from schools by Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Florida Sheriff’s Office Charges Suspect with Attempted Murder of Unborn Child by Catholic Vote
When a breast cancer diagnosis knocked me down, a network of Jewish women lifted me up by Karen E. H .Skinazi Jewish Telegraphic Agency
After Roe, Gabriel Project serves more mothers in need by Rebecca Torrellas Texas Catholic Herald /The Archdiocese of Galveston Houston
Thousands Join ‘March of Life’ in Colombian Capital of Bogotá to Commemorate Holocaust Victims by Combat Antisemitism
Kansas and Arizona governors veto bills to protect babies born alive after botched abortions by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Pro-life marchers in NYC dodge garbage, weather, and counter-protesters by Jonah McKeown Catholic News Agency
Brazilian church denounce violence against rural communities by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
Nigeria: Military turn blind eye to attacks on Christians by Independent Catholic News
Latin America celebrates Day of the Unborn Child with pro-life marches in several countries by Walter Sanchez Silva Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
There is hope: Meet the young Catholic lawmaker who went viral as a champion for life by Kelsey Wicks Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Australian Catholics Defy Far Left To March for Unborn by Catholic Arena
Abortion activists at Florida university charged with assaulting police officers by Peter Pinedo Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
GOP senator's bill would give pro-life pregnancy centers security upgrades amid attacks by Houston Keene Fox News
Spanish bishop proclaims the right to life doesn’t come from the ballot box or a court by Nicolás de Cárdenas AC Prensa/Catholic News Agency
Court rules pro-life group owes nearly $1 million in fines for Planned Parenthood protests by Kevin J. Jones Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Man charged with sexually assaulting child at a gym in Lisle by Marissa Pearlman CBS Chicago
Federal jury acquits pro-life activist of DoJ's FACE act charges by Ed Morrissey Hot Air
Sinn Feon Collude to Ban Catholics from ProLife Prayer by Catholic Arena
Irish Prolifers Defy Anti Prayer Zone Threat by Catholic Arena
Jonathan Roumie: Pro-life advocacy the ‘worthiest and noblest cause possible’ by Jonah McKeown Catholic News Agency
Pro-life friar: Prenatal justice isn’t about politics by Charles Camosy Angelus
2023 March for Life: 8 things for pro-lifers to know by Katie Yoder Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
7 things to know about March for Life keynote speaker Jonathan Roumie of ‘The Chosen’ by Francesca Pollio Fenton Catholic News Agency
Everyone can livestream Life Fest before the March for Life by Aleteia
Pavone: It’s Possible I Missed Laicization Notice by Shannon Mullen, Jonah McKeown, and Joe Bukuras Catholic News Agency
Pro-life Florida musician finds a way to evangelize using rap music by Katie Camario Catholic News Service/The Pilot
Former abortionist recalls moment of pro-life conversion: 'God's mercy is here' by ACPensa/The Pilot
Afghan refugees reunited with baby thanks to pro-life pregnancy center by Zelda Caldwell Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Taking seriously attacks on churches and pro-life institutions by Father Roger J. Landry The Pilot
FBI arrest of Pennsylvania pro-life leader called 'horrendous stunt' by Catholic News Agency/The Pilot
Vandalism of pro-life pregnancy centers continues across US with incident near Seattle by Jonah McKeown Catholic News Agent/The Catholic World Report
USCCB president, committee chairmen recommit church to pro-life initiatives by Julie Asher Catholic News Service/The Pilot
From violence to respect for life by Tony Magliano Clarion Herald
The pro-life movement must focus on Democrats after Roe by Charles Camosy Angelus
The Pro-Life Movement Continues to Gaslight by Mary Pezzula Patheos
Conservatives and liberals unite for life – it’s the Catholic way! by Tony MaglianoThe Southern Cross
Several pro-life laws take effect in South Dakota by Catholic News Agency/ The Catholic World Report
Spanish Government Attempts to Stop Prolife Progress with Vigil Ban by Catholic Arena
Massive pro-life demonstrations to be organized in Spain by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Critics say Argentinian blacklist of pro-lifers uses Dirty War tactics by Inés San Martín Crux
Priest Bravely Faces Down Anti Baby Protestors by Catholic Arena
Spanish bishop criticizes bill that would criminalize pro-life witness near abortion clinics by Blanca Ruiz Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
New stem cell research guidelines a ‘shifting goalpost’ for embryo safeguards. ethicist says by Charles Collins Crux
Utter disregard’ for life: Members of Congress slam new guidance on embryo research by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
NIH reverses restrictions on fetal tissue research by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Human-monkey embryo ‘deeply unethical,’ says Catholic bioethicist by Charles Collins Crux
French National Assembly passes anti-extremism bill proposing stricter rules for religion by Catholic News Agency Staff Catholic News Agency
Catholic women pursue pro-life values at the border by Pauline Hovey National Catholic Reporter
Texas Successfully Defunds Planned Parenthood by ALE National Review
How accepting my homosexuality made me more pro-life by Kelden Formosa America
The Future of the Pro-Life Movement by Gabriel Blanchard Patheos
My Pro-Life Speech on the Steps of the NH State House by Brother Andre Marie Catholicism
Our divided church has to grapple with being pro-life by Donna Gunn Global Sisters Report
Pre-natal screening can lead to ‘moral ugliness’ of aborting disabled, theologian says by Charles C. Camosy Crux
Marie Stopes and Planned Parenthood Whitewash Racist Origins of Their Violent Mission. Margaret Sanger and Marie Stopes shared an aversion to “racial darkness” — an aversion that led them to promote contraception and eugenics. by Patti Armstrong National Catholic Register
Pharmacists Find Challenges and Rewards for Taking a Pro-Life Stand,Not selling contraceptives is the conviction of pro-life pharmacists the Register recently interviewed. by National Catholic Register
St. Gerard Majella Rescues Another Mother and Child by Joseph Pronechen National Catholic Register
To be truly pro-life, the church must be antiracist by U.S .Catholic
Pro-Lifers Hail HHS Ethics Board’s Findings Against Fetal Tissue Research The ethics board reviewed 14 research proposals and recommended that HHS withhold funding from all but one of them. by Mary Rose Short National Catholic Register
A Safe Haven for Abandoned Babies. Nick Silverio’s ‘A Safe Haven for Newborns’ apostolate has been a lifeline to those in crisis. by Robert Klesko National Catholic Register
The Gospel of Matthew reminds us that just wages are a pro-life issue by Jaime L. Waters America
Bayer to pay $1.6 billion in contraception injury settlement by CNA/The Catholic World Report
NIH board votes against funding most research proposals using fetal tissue by Julie Asher Catholic News Service/Angelus
Metuchen bishop says Catholics must remain anchored in respect for all life by Catholic News Service/Crux
Bishop John Stowe rebukes Trump as 'anti-life' by Lucy Grindon National Catholic Reporter
Father James Martin: Wearing a mask is pro-life by Father James Martin. S.J. America
Catholic Bioethicist Warns Against Gene-Editing Experiments. by Kate Scanlon EWTN News
Starving Children by Gordon Nary Profiles in Catholicism
Covid-19: Brazil’s Bishops join in virtual March for Life by Devin Watkins Vatican News
Online forum examines racism being as much a pro-life issue as abortion by Dennis Sadowski Catholic News Service/Crux
New York cardinal hopes coronavirus crisis stirs ‘newfound respect’ for life by Christopher White Crux
Teen dedicates Scout project to unborn children, including four siblings by Kristen L. Byrd The Pilot
The Catholic Struggle Against Eugenics by Eve Tushnet Patheos
8,000 people at March for Life in Berlin, Germany with many Youth and Bishops - Protesters blocking were Removed by Police by Jesus Caritas Est Catholc News World
U.S. bishops debate how to integrate Pope Francis’ broader pro-life focus by Michael J. O’Loughlin America
Ohio Senate passes two pro-life laws despite legal challenges by Christine Rousselle Catholic News Agency/Angelus
Respect Life! Challenge The Culture Of Death! by Tony Magliano Clarion Herald
‘It transcends the abortion debate.’ The hospital program for parents facing tragic prenatal diagnoses by Kerry Weber America
17-year-old with Down syndrome becomes pro-life advocate in Canada by Kyle Hreenham The Pilot
The America Profile: Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards, the pro-life Catholic Democrat by Matt Malone, S.J. America
In pro-life push, Knights give 1,000th ultrasound to Virginia clinic by Christopher White Crux
Chinese scientist under fire for genetically editing babies by reporter
Moral & Practical Problems with the 1st Gene-Edited Babies by Fr. Matthre P. Schneider Patheos
New Tests Allow “Screening” of Low-IQ Babies by Fr Matthrew P.Schneider Patheos
Man tries to run down Jews leaving Los Angeles synagogue by Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Anti-Semitic vandalism painted outside Jewish homes in Seattle by Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Court dismisses Satanists’ case against pro-life laws by Dorothy Cummings McLean LiveSiteNews
Labour Party calls for ban on early pregnancy gender test by Staff Reporter Catholic Herald
Congressmen object to FDA's 'barbaric' research method using human fetal tissue by Catholic News Agency
No One is a Bicycle: Why we Need a New Pro-Life Movement by Mary Pezzulo Patheos
Miscarriages are happening in I.C.E. custody. Will the pro-life movement respond? by the Editors of America
Blessed Paul VI and the Unborn Child by Joanna Bogle National Catholic Register
Can a “Broader Conversation” about Life Still Include Abortion? by Billy Critchley-Menor, SJ
This pro-life talk at Google's headquarters was a hit by Catholic News Agency
Pope Francis on God’s call to holiness – defend all human life by Tony Magliano Association of U.S. Catholic Priests
Widening the ‘Pro-Life’ Frame by John Gehring Commonwealth
Gene-edited 'designer babies' offer miracle cures, questionable ethics by Laura Kelly The Washington Times