Book Reviews and Commentaries
The Pope and the Grand Imam: A Thorny Path - A Testimony to the Birth of Human Fraternity” by Judge Mohamed Abdelsalam Commentary byVatican News
Outsiders at Home: The Politics of American Islamophobia by Nazita Lajevardi Reviewed by Simran Jeet Singh Religion News Service
L’Islam mis à nu par les siens: Anthologie d’auteurs arabophones post 2001 (Islam Laid Bare by Its Own)by Maurice Saliba with a preface by Fr. Henri Boulad Commentary by William Kilpatrick The Catholic World Report
On Islam: : A Chronological Record, 2002-2018 by James V. Schall, S. J. Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Film Reviews and Commentaries
Marvel’s Muslim superhero, Kamala Khan, inspires big hopes by Safiyya Hosein The Conversation, The Conversation/Religion News Service/Muck Rack
Two Gods Reviewed by Joseph Hammond Religion News Service
Marvel’s Muslim superhero, Kamala Khan, inspires big hopes by Safiyya Hosein The Conversation, The Conversation/Religion News Service/Muck Rack
Muslim activists seek probe into new police chief’s comments by The Associated Press
Ramadan letter to my Muslim sisters and brothers by Joseph Victor Edwin SJ Independent Catholic News
Muslims navigate restrictions in the second pandemic Ramadan by Mariam Fam, Kathy Gannon, and Bassem Mroue The Associated Press
Muslims are “Brothers and Sisters in the Faith of Abraham” by Scott Eric Alt Patheos
Activists to hold protest rally after reports of ICE officials forcing Muslim detainees to eat pork by Alejandra Molina Religion News Service
Muslim woman sues Los Angeles Police Department for forcibly removing her hijab by Alejandra Molina Religion News Service
How Islamophobia changed politics for Muslim America by Simran Jeet SinghReligion News Service
Why We Need to Do More to Fight Islamophobia by Carly Pildis The Tablet
Geneva divided over ban on religious attire at work. Critics of 'secularism law' see it as sign of growing Islamophobia in Europe by La Croix International staff
‘I Hope Pope Francis Will Call for Full Freedom for Everyone in Every Muslim-Majority Country’ by Deborah Castellano Lubov Zenit
Lagos archbishop urges stop to killing of Shia Muslims by La Croix International staff
U.S. Muslims Concerned About Their Place in Society, but Continue to Believe in the American Dream by Pew Research Center
Let us seek common values by Father Thomas Baima Chicago Catholic
Understanding Islam: Pontifical institute fosters study, dialogue by Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service
Canadian PM says mosque shooting a 'terrorist attack on Muslims' by Kevin Dougherty Reuters What Catholics owe their Muslim brothers and sisters Jordan Denari Duffner America
Trump Muslim ban a threat for religious freedom by Matt Hadro Crux
Militant Islam and the Year of the Mass Delusion by William Kilpatrick The Catholic World Report
Bishop challenges Catholics to combat 'ugly tide of anti-Islamic bigotry' by Denis Grasska Catholic News Service
Statement on Anti-Muslim Prejudice by USCCB
Muslim candidates running in record numbers face backlash by Philip Marcelo and Jeff Karoub Religion News Service
A Prayer for our Muslim Brothers and Sisters by John T. Pawlikowski, OSM, Ph.D. In union with our Muslim brothers and sisters as they mourn the death and suffering visited upon them in Quebec City and as they face the growing anti-Muslim hostility and threats to their mosques in our country we ask the God of Abraham, our common parent, to protect them, to strengthen their spirit in this time of mourning thevictims of the shooting and to bless them with continued hope and resolve.
Imran Hosein interviewed by Christian Peschken in Geneva
A Catholic Theologian Discusses Islam by John T. Pawlikowski, OSM, Ph.D;
The Church and Islam: 50 Years after Nostra Aetate
Christians Should Study the Qur'an by Dan Horan OFM