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Human Trafficking/Sex Trafficking

Writer's picture: Profiles in CatholicismProfiles in Catholicism

Updated: 6 days ago


A prayer for the victims of human trafficking

“Pins to People”

Lord, you see that people are becoming pins: pinned to a board;

moved around, grouped in places and then stuck elsewhere; and

then sold, manipulated, exploited, abused and drowned in fear.

How is it that one person cannot recognize another?

Lord, you came to transform our perception of pins on a board

to people with faces, hearts, relatives, plans, purposes, goals,

hopes and fears: a life to be lived in the freedom to love truth.

How is it that one person cannot recognize another?

Lord, you gave us the gift of intelligence, planning, organization

but, as we know, some misuse these gifts to destroy the lives of

other people, people with beating hearts and blood in their veins.

How is it that one person cannot recognize another?

Lord, you gave us property to house homes, to holiday in, to help

others but, as we know, some have turned these gifts into hiding

places, taking others, in secret, from one cell to another, hidden one.

How is it that one person cannot recognize another?

Lord, you gave us transport, customs, checkpoints, ways of protecting each other but, as we know, some have turned it into a money-making machine, turning the turnstile into money and safety into insecurity.

How is it that one person cannot recognize another?

Lord, your mother saw that the newly weds had run out of wine, and

here, in these places, the wine has long turned to vinegar and worse,

draining health, happiness, trust, and friendliness from the poorest.

How is it that one person cannot recognize another?

Lord, you know the hearts of us all, you know what hardens the heart

and what hurt that hardening hides and conceals, even congealed, not

knowing that there is no escape from answering the question all ask:

How is it that one person cannot recognize another?

Lord, your father Joseph worked among carpenters and builders, like so many today, who see and hear the questions about where the wealth is coming from what cannot be described as work but which goes on.

How is it that one person cannot recognize another?

Lord, your Holy Family was one among many families of the earth and yet all have the vocation to be like what you experienced and so we ask, as well as beg, that you help us all to rediscover our dignity.

How is it that one person cannot recognize another?

Dear Lord, you gave angels to all of us and, let them call out together to save the lost and the stolen, to call back from the edge of hell, those suffering at the hands of others or those who slip, slip, are slipping in.

How is it that one person cannot recognize another?

Dear Lord, you have given us many professions, including doctors and nurses, welfare officers, those whose job it is to be alert to the good of all, may you bless them with insight and awareness to help.

How is it that one person cannot recognize another?

Dear Lord, you have given us a variety of communities, whether between people of good will, between faiths, within your Church, enable them to see with caring eyes, hear and help with helping hands.

Prayer to End Human Trafficking

Lord Jesus, you taught us the value of human life, the dignity of every person,

You said, like Isaiah, you came to bring good news to the poor,

To set captives free,

To lift up the oppressed,

To give sight to the blind,

May we not be blind but inspired by your words and action,

to support the children, and free all the captured slaves,

the victims of the people traders bought and sold as objects by the

human traffickers, may we set them free and end the scourge of human trafficking in your name.

Lord Jesus May your spirit be upon us.

Amen by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism


Prayer for the victims of drowning by human traffickers

You taught us a great truth Lord that the children are the most important of all, you said for us to be with them is to be with you. They are precious and how many perish in the angry seas as migrant boats flee the war in Yemen to Djibouti.

Thrown overboard by human traffickers. Such evil criminals must be held accountable and those making war in Yemen.

The lives of 27 , Lord Jesus, were lost Sixteen children, women left to drown all because of human greed the root of so much evil.

Lord may your words and example inspire good people in the international community to be united in ending the horrific war and uses their power and intervention to bring a ceasefire and make peace. The lives of starving children will be saved. Amen by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism

Prayer to End Human Trafficking

O Lord, you said you came: “to set the captives free.” In our world young men and women who are trafficked are modern-day slaves. Help these young people not to lose hope. Give the grace for elected officials to grow in awareness of and to take active steps to eradicate this horror. Teach them not to prosecute the victims of trafficking but to bring to justice those who perpetrate this crime. Lord, give the grace of conversion to those who mistreat unfortunates for their own personal gain. May demand decrease as people realize that prostitution is a crime against human dignity, forced upon these people, who are more victim than anything else. May the awareness of this horrendous crime spread throughout the world and may many join the efforts to stop trafficking and help the victims begin anew, filled with hope.

We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

by Sr. Veronica Piccone, MSC

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