Prayer to End Abortions in Ireland
“Your Abundant Giving”
Tree-seeds, in-abundance
Lie amidst the leaves,
Sprouting bright green curls,
Rubbished to enrich the soil:
To make fertile the ground
For the Spring planting of
Vegetable seedlings.
Lord, Creator-God of Gifts!
What happens to the lives
Of so many, crushed, stolen, snapped
Out of time into eternity – whether by
Earthquake, flood, war, or the terrible
Stripping, even recycling of human beginnings,
Not discarded, but misused, frozen,
Dyed upon, dissected, shelved, stopped,
Silenced at the “expiry date”.
Lord, Have Mercy on Us!
Now, not even
Fresh vegetables and fruit
Are disposed of according to a date –
But each is examined, carefully, aware
As we are of soft, slightly rotting fruit which,
Peeled, preserves what is good and, cutting out the
Taint, tells of being edible and nutritious,
A timely scrutiny of what is still beneficial.
Lord, Let Us Waste Not!
Why, then, is the life-span of a fruit
Worth more than a human life?
What horrors will the timeline of human
Growth display if left to develop?
Who is hiding what from the work of their
Hands and, in hiding from their hands,
What is being hidden from the thoughts of
Their minds?
Lord, Let Us Listen!
Human life begins,
Joining from the start
Breaking out of separate cells,
A skin, a place to be, diving into the tissues,
Anchoring new developments, changing
Outwardly, constantly, to show forth the presence of the
person from the first instant of beginning.
Lord, How Great Are Your Works!
What buzzing abundance, blighted,
Heaven bound, ascending like the dew
On the Summer’s light, rising, scarcely visible,
Torn from life and heart and rubbishing a relationship.
Like an un-enclosable wound, ever open to the truth
Of there being a father and a mother and uprooters,
Who yet, through the loving truth are called,
Ceaselessly, to an endless reconciliation.
Lord, Love Us In The Truth!
True seeds,
Lie in abundance amidst our wasted loves,
Flourishing in the hands of the Greatest Love,
Turning us back from looking back to going
Forward, forgiveness making fertile the ground
For the graced-Spring-planting, arising, like dew,
From the many pierced hearts, imploring
Our New Beginning.
Lord, Listen To Them !
by Francis Etheredge Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer to Reduce Abortions in China
Dear God, our Creator and Teacher. We know your love for each of us is powerful, true and eternal - and begins long before birth. We pray today that everyone in China will have the courage to acknowledge that love and to speak the truth about our unborn brothers and sisters and their rights as human being created in your image and likeness. We also pray for the awakening of our fellow travelers to the rights of these children and the needs – physical, spiritual, and moral – of their mothers and fathers. Help us to show respect and provide real help to both parents and their children. God did give us free will, but it must be guided by reason and truth. The choice is doing whatever you want with or without the guidance of reason or truth. May the strength of your love show us all a better path for ALL human Denise Mackura Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer for Unborn Children and Their Mothers
Dear God:
Today there are many people who deny the existence and value of your children in the wombs of their mothers. As has happened to so many groups of humans before, this denial makes it possible to provide legal and cultural sanctions to the brutal ending of these innocent lives and denies us all the opportunity to witness their beauty. We pray today for the wisdom to discover how to open the hearts and minds of every American to unborn children at risk of being aborted. We also pray for the parents of all unborn children, that they may have the grace and strength to care for the glorious gift of life you have given them.
by Denise Mackura Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer on the Challenge of Abortions
The headlines stream about thousands of abortions.
The news is disheartening.
More, it is heart saddening.
Truly sad.
Not for the infants. They are with the Lord
But consider the sorrow and pain of mothers and fathers who are driven to such ends.
How their hearts must ache. How their hearts must bleed.
Lord, look with pity on them. Touch them. Heal them. Forgive them.
Please. Please forgive them. Heal their Father David O. Brown, O.S.M. Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe
Virgin of Guadalupe, Patroness of unborn children,
we implore your intercession for every child at risk of abortion.
Help expectant parents to welcome from God
the priceless gift of their child’s life.
Console parents who have lost that gift through abortion,
and lead them to forgiveness and healing
through the Divine Mercy of your Son.
Teach us to cherish
and to care for family and friends until God calls them home.
Help us never to see others as burdens.
Guide our public officials
to defend each and every human life through just laws.
Inspire us all to bring our faith into public life,
to speak for those who have no voice.
We ask this in the name of your Son,
Jesus Christ, who is Love and Mercy itself.
Submitted by Wayne Smith
Book Reviews
Unfolding a Post-Roe World by Francis Etheredge Reviewed by James Sale Good Reads
Unfolding a Post-Roe World by Francis Etheredge Reviewed by Christine Sunderland Profiles in Catholicism
The Happening by Annie Ernaux Commentary by John L. Allen Jr. Crux
Forbidden Grief - The Unspoken Pain of Abortion by Theresa Burke with David C. Reardon Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D.Profiles in Catholicism
The Fake and Deceptive Science behind Roe v Wade by Thomas W. Hilgers, MD Reviewed by Rita Louise Lowery Gitchell, B.S., M.A., J.D
Sharing the Heart of Christ; for Clergy, Counselors and Laity in Post Abortion Ministry by Kevin Burke. with Theresa Burke Ph.D., Fr. Frank Pavone Reviewed by David O. Brown, O.S.M.
Film Reviews and Commentaries
Broker Reviewed by Joseph Joyce Angelus News
Matter of Life Commentary by Jaqueline Tetrault The Pilot
Roe v. Wade Reviewed by Brad Minor The Catholic Thing
Never Rarely Sometimes Always Reviewed by Simcha Fisher America
Unplanned Reviewed by John Burger Aleteia
Never Look Away Reviewed by John J. Conley America
Television Reviews
AKA Jane Roe Commentary by Jack JenkinsReligion News Service
Never Rarely Sometimes Always Reviewed by Simcha FisherAmerica
Good Omens Reviewed by Lauren Enk Mann The Catholic World Report
Medical Journal Articles
Abortions in States Without Bans Surge Post-Roe by Emily Harris JAMA September 20, 2023
Texas’ 2021 Ban on Abortion in Early Pregnancy and Changes in Live Births by Suzanne O. Bell, PhD; Elizabeth A. Stuart, PhD; and Alison Gemmill, PhD JAMA June 29., 2023
Abortion Clinics Are Moving From States With Bans to Those Without, Raising Questions About Whether Bans Can Be Enforced Across by Rita Rubin, MA JAMA June 21, 2023
General Articles/Commentaries
Mexican state decriminalizes abortion; Catholics who support it excommunicated, bishop says by Diego López Colín Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
New Jersey governor launches program to bring abortionists to state by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Biden to award Presidential Citizens Medal to abortion and gay marriage activists by Catholic News Agency
Queensland Parliament passes ‘unprecedented’ gag on abortion debate by CathNews
50,000 march for life in Poland as its parliament considers legalizing abortion by Walter Sánchez Silva AFP Prensa/Catholic News Agency
Abortion remains the ‘pre-eminent priority’ for US bishops by Grace Porto CatholicVote
Brazilian priest abused young girls, forced one to have abortion by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
US abortion numbers have risen slightly since Roe was overturned, study finds by Geoff Mulville and Kimberlee Keuesi The Associated Press
'Abundant data' shows elective induced abortion is not 'health care,' says OB-GYN by Katie Yoder Our Sunday Visitor/Angelus
Dear Pete Buttigieg: Abortion does not make men ‘more free’ by Thomas Griffin -Culture of Life National Catholic Register
Catholics in Africa want Nigeria withdrawn from ‘pro-LGBT, pro-abortion’ Samoa agreement by Silas Isenjia ACI/Africa/Catholic News Agency
Nebraska Supreme Court upholds law restricting both medical care for transgender youth and abortion by Margery A. Beck The Associated Press
Widespread racism targets Māori medical students and doctors by CathNews New Zealand
Pro-life activists sentenced over abortion clinic blockades in Tennessee by Kurt Jensen Our Sunday Visitor
The Gospel of Matthew Trewhella: How a Militant Anti-Abortion Activist Is Influencing Republican Politics by Phoebe Petrovic Wisconsin Watch/ProPublica
With Abortions and Rainbows for All by John Murdock First Things
How Dobbs Accelerated Europe’s Abortion Culture by Solène Tadié National Catholic Register
Ireland's Abortion Rate Skyrockets by Catholic Vote
What art looks like when approaching death by Heather King Angelus
Supreme Court dismisses challenge to abortion drug in unanimous ruling by Kate Scanlon OSV News/Angelus
‘No false choices’: Why we don’t decide between faith and LGBTQ+ rights by Frederick A. Davie Religion News Service
Two UK Catholics acquitted after being charged for praying in front of abortion clinic by Joe Bukur Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Bill aims to equate abortion and homicide in Brazil by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
Melinda Gates, the biggest Catholic donor to pro-abortion causes by Matthew McDonald National Catholic Register
Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry Signs Bill Classifying Abortion Pills As Controlled Substances by Jeff Carles The Daily Caller
Louisiana is first state to classify abortion drugs as controlled dangerous substances after GOP governor signs bill into law by CNN
New York high court upholds mandated insurance coverage for abortion, Diocese of Albany to appeal ruling by Catholic Vote
NY Catholic Conference says requirement to cover abortion should be overturned by John Lavenburg Crux
Louisiana bill would reclassify abortion drugs as controlled dangerous substances by Kate Scanlon Our Sunday Visitor
The GOP Changes Its Tune on Abortion by Jonathon Van Maren First Things
March for Life takes place in Ireland amid ‘soaring’ abortion rates by Charles Collins Crux
Arizona’s Democratic governor signs a bill to repeal 1864 ban on most abortions by Anita Snow and Morgan Lee The Associated Press
Florida issues emergency rules to combat abortion ‘misinformation’ by Peter Pinedo Catholic News Agency/Angelus
MPs to vote on abortion amendments on May 15, Parliament told by The Catholic Herald
RFK Jr. Releases New Abortion Policy, CV Reacts by Catholic Vote
Majority of Scots oppose abortion buffer zones, parliament consultation reveals by The Catholic Herald
89-Year-Old Concentration Camp Survivor Faces 11 Years in Jail… for Praying at Abortion Clinic. by Catholic Vote
KFF Health Tracking Poll March 2024: Abortion in the 2024 Election and Beyond by Shannon Schumacher, Ashley Kirzinger, Audrey Kearney, Isabelle Valdes, and Liz Hamel KFF
Biden cannot easily make Roe v. Wade federal law, but he could still make it easier to get an abortion by The Conversation
The Never-Ending Battle Over Abortion by Susan Milligan U.S. News
How IVF and abortion access could shape the 2024 election by Monica Potts, Tia Yang, and Cooper Burton ABC News
Ugly scenes at Manchester University embody how abortion in UK holds up a mirror to society by Georgia Gilholy The Clarion Herald
Abortion and the American colonization of France by Nathan Pinkoski First Things
Military archbishop ‘deplores’ plan to permanently provide abortion by John Lavenburg Crux
Argentine President Milei: Abortion is aggravated homicide by Julieta Villar Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
France enshrines abortion as a constitutional right as the world marks International Women’s Day by Anfela Charlton The Associated Press
CPAC speakers urge lawmakers to embrace life, end coerced abortions by Tyler Arnold Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Holy See criticizes French move to enshrine abortion rights by John Burger Aleteia
Lawmakers, activists call for investigation of 5 aborted babies' fate by Joe Bukuras Catholic News Agency/Angelus
The Glaswegian nuns who called the feminists’ bluff on abortionlaswegian-nuns-who-called-the-feminists-bluff-on-abortion/ by James Hastings The Catholic Herald
On resurrection, abortion, and judgment by James V. Schall, S.J. The Catholic World Report
Maine bishop blasts liberal abortion bill as ‘immoral and unnecessary’ by John Lavenburg Crux
March for Life 2024 aims to make abortion ‘unthinkable’ in American culture by Katie Yoder Our Sunday Visitor
The controversial approval of the abortion pill and an upcoming Supreme Court challenge by Mary Hallan FioRito Our Sunday Visitor
Exorcist responds to Cosmopolitan’s ‘satanic abortion ceremony’ coverage by Katie Yoder Our Sunday Visitor
Catholic group opposes ‘buffer zone’ legislation for abortion in Scotland by Charles Collins Crux
State Abortion Bans Result In 32,000 More Babies Born A Year, Research Show by The Daily Wire
Some Republicans Were Willing to Compromise on Abortion Ban Exceptions. Activists Made Sure They Didn’t by Kavitha Surana ProPublica
Abortions increased during the last year with Roe still in place, CDC report says by Kate Scanlon Our Sunday Visitors
Making abortion unthinkable by Tony Magliano Indian Catholic Matters
EXCLUSIVE: Senate Republicans Demand Biden DOD Rescind Abortion Policy That Inspired Tuberville’s Holds by Tyler O'Neil The Daily Signal
Plans to enshrine abortion in French Constitution alarm bishops by CathNews New Zealand
Michigan’s abortion extremism: A cautionary tale for Ohio? by Lauretta Brown National Catholic Register
New bill introduces world’s most extreme abortion buffer zone law to Scotland by Madeleine Teahan Crux
Pro-Life Principles and Politicians by Edward Mechmann The Human Life Review
Blue State AG Sues Pregnancy Centers For Offering Abortion Reversal Pill by Daily Caller
Reports dispute China’s closure of Uyghur detention camps claim by UCANews
CatholicVote’s Brian Burch Responds to Trump Calling Heartbeat Law a ‘Mistake’ by Catholic Vote
New state abortion numbers show increases in some surprising places by NPR WBEZ Chicago
Still fighting for the unborn in one of Europe’s last pro-life sanctuaries by Dr. Miriam Sciberras The Catholic World Report
All Indiana Abortion Businesses Stop Killing Babies by Life News
Bishops condemn European Union’s drafting of ‘right to abortion’ by Daniel Payne Catholic News Agency
The elephant in the room: Abortion and Sex By Christopher Wolfe Crisis Magazine
Study: Abortion Restrictions Led to 9,800 More Births in Texas Over Nine Months by Tyler Arnold National Catholic Register
God’s 15 Miracles: Abortion Survivor Tells How Her Dad’s Prayers Doomed Her Mom’s 6 Abortion Attempts by Arsh Sarao The Epoch Times
DWP guidance on benefit payments forced to be withdrawn over n-word slur by Nadine White The Independent
The Abortion Pill is Not Safe For Women, Here’s Why by Bradley Evans Life News
Cost of living a significant factor driving abortion numbers by Christine Pellen Aleteia
U.S. Bishops Rebuke Democrats for Invoking Catholicism to Justify Abortion by Catholic Vote
Louisiana Has Protected 7,012 Babies From Abortions Since Dobbs Overturned Roe, All Abortion Businesses Closed State by Steven Ertelt Life News
New report finds 25,000 fewer U.S. abortions after Dobbs by Katie Yoder Our Sunday Visitor
One year after Dobbs, new study finds: Women don’t want abortion by Katie Yoder Our Sunday Visitor
Depopulating Japan through the abortion pill by Cristian Martini Grimaldi UCA News
Spanish bishops: Abortion as a right makes the unborn child ‘a true undocumented person’ by Nicolás de Cárdenas ACI Prensa/Catholic News Agency
Courts uphold Indiana laws requiring proper burial/cremation of aborted babies by Charles J. Russo The Catholic World Report
North Dakota Becomes 15th State to Protect Babies From Abortions by Steven Ertelt LifeNews
Scotland’s bishops urge government to not decriminalize abortion by Charles Collins Crux
Democratic states stockpile abortion pills as legal battle continues by Maya Young The Irish Times
Report shows 6% decrease in abortions in six months after Dobbs decision by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Court Order Keeps Abortion Drug Available with Restrictions by Carol Zimmermann The Tablet
FDA Revokes Approval for Preterm Birth Drug Makena by Emily Harris JAMA April 12, 2023
Judge’s Good Friday ruling suspends FDA approval of abortion pill by Kate Scanlon Our Sunday Visitor
FACE Act charges brought against two more abortion activists in Florida ‘Jane’s Revenge’ attack by Joe Bukuras Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Archbishop Cordileone responds to Nancy Pelosi remarks on abortion by Kate Scanlon OSV News/Angelus
1 Year Later: DC Mayor Stonewalls Probe Into Aborted Babies’ Bodies by Mary Margaret Olohan The Daily Signal
Notre Dame ‘abortion doula’ talk was unworthy of Catholic university, local bishop laments by Catholic News Agency /The Catholic World Report
Signs of hope and renewal amid the dramatic decline of the Catholic Church in Ireland by Courtney Mares Catholic News Agency
English bishop condemns abortion clinic ‘buffer zones’ by Charles Collins Crux
UK bishops say law criminalizing prayer outside of abortion clinics is discriminatory by Kevin J. Jones Catholic News Agency
Miami University student group hopes to install Plan B ‘morning after pill’ vending machine on campus by Peter Pinedo Catholic News Agency
Ron Desantis Confirms He'll Happily Sigh Bill Banning Abortion after 6 Months by Vanity Fair
Abortion-Pill Access Becomes Key Pro-Life Battle in Post-Roe Landscape by Lauretta Brown National Catholic Register
In Netflix Special, Chris Rock Likens Abortion to Hiring a Hitman, Echoing Pope Francis by Tyler Arnold Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Register
‘Abortion doula’ at Notre Dame speaker series adds to Catholic concern by Kevin J. Jones Catholic News Agency
Protestant Council of Rwanda bars abortions in its clinics by Ignatius Ssuuna The Associated Press/Crux
Here’s how half of U.S. abortions could be stopped this week by Peter Pinedo Catholic News Agency
Analysis: ‘Most Far-Fetched Loophole Yet for Imposing Abortion-On-Demand’ by Erika Ahern Catholic Vote
South Dakota AG and governor threaten felony charges for pharmacists prescribing abortion pills by Jessica Corbett AlterNet
Massachusetts Democrat official faces backlash for comments about disabled children, abortion by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
U.K. Supreme Court: Buffer zones OK at Northern Ireland abortion clinics by Catholic News Service/Angelus
New Mexico’s bishops ‘shudder’ at prospect of ‘satanic’ abortion clinic by John Lavenburg Crux
Charges dropped, for now, against woman arrested for praying silently outside UK abortion clinic by Kevin J. Jones Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Bishop Barron says Minnesota’s new abortion law is ‘the worst kind of barbarism’ by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
After Biden comments, U.S. bishops say they have 'united position' on abortion by Kate Scanlon, OSV News/The Pilot
Unborn babies still desperately need our help by Tony Magliano Western New York Catholic
New technology allows Holocaust survivors to tell their stories for all time by Yonat Shimron Religion News Service
A Day—or Two—to Remember the Holocaust by Jenna Weissman Joselit Tablet
The dregs of the darkness: Remembering the Holocaust through Elie Wiesel’s ‘Night’ by Kenneth Craycraft The Sunday Visitor
Pro-life college students to protest ‘life-ending’ abortion drugs at Walgreens, CVS by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
A Majority of Americans Support Legal Limits on Abortion, and Oppose Taxpayer Funding by Knights of Columbus
“We’re Going to Where the Fight Is”: Abortion Rights Movement Sets Its Sights on Key States by Jordan Smith The Intercept
A Florida woman is barricading herself inside a Daytona Beach hospital room after shooting her terminally ill husband by Hannah Sarisohn and Alaa Elassar CNN
Ten killed in Monterey Park shooting at Chinese New Year celebrations by Shweta Sharma and Rich Booth Independent.UK
UPDATE: Iowa diocese issues pastoral guidance on gender dysphoria 'that begins with love' by Maria Wiering OSV News/The Pilot
Xander and his Mega-Deal by Dick Flavin The Pilot
He may not have legs but Josiah Johnson still has the drive to play by Erin Wilson Spectrum News
We are not yet done': March for Life holds first national event after overturn of Roe v. Wade by Kate Scanlon OSV News/The Pilot
Now that the March for Life is over, here’s a snapshot of a shifting abortion landscape by Jonah McKeown Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Actor who played Jesus credits ‘the real’ Jesus at US March for Life rally by CathNews
With Pelosi Out, and Pro-Life Members of Congress at the Helm, House FINALLY Passes Critical Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act by Jordan Sekulow ACLJ
David Daleiden Scores Court Win Over University’s Fetal Tissue Research Documents by Tyler Arnold National Catholic Register
City council wants to use $100K in COVID funds for out-of-state abortions. The bishop calls that ‘outrageous’ by Joe Bukuras Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
The Abortion Assault. by Reuters
Nigerian military ran secret mass abortion programme in war against Boko Haram by Reuters
U.K. Supreme Court: Buffer zones OK at Northern Ireland abortion clinics by Catholic News Service
Total abortions decreased by 6% in the U.S. after Roe v. Wade was overturned by Katie Yoder Catholic News Agency
Abortion in the next Congress by Russell Shaw The Pilot
New life academy member described as pro-abortion by Zelda Caldwell Catholic News Agency/Angelus
Justice Department indicts 11 anti-choice activists for 2021 'criminal blockade' on abortion clinic by Alex Henderson AlterNet
Interview: Can artists with diverging views on abortion find common ground through a Catholic musical? by Emily Claire Schmitt America
When and how should priests and deacons preach on abortion? by Fr. Charles Fox The Catholic World Report
Church in the World: News Briefing by James Roberts and Ellen Teague The Tablet
Priest inspires thousands to sign up for novena to defeat ‘right to abortion’ in Michigan by David Kerr Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Michigan bishop calls for Catholics to ‘fight like heaven’ against pro-abortion amendment by John Lavenburg Crux
Report assesses threats to religious pro-life Americans following overturn of Roe v. Wade by Jonah McKeown Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
The Southern Baptist Convention’s Deal with the Devil by Sarah Posner The Nation
Abortion After Dobbs by Commonweal
The New Abortion Movement and Its Catholic Leaders by Thomas R. Ascik The Catholic World Report
Archbishop criticizes Spanish government’s approval of abortion bill by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Criticism of Vatican’s life czar on abortion ‘specious’ and ‘offensive,’ spokesman says by Crux
Pro-lifers react with dismay to news that Irish government plans to fine for praying near abortion clinic by Madeleine Teahan Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Pope Francis’ apology to Indigenous Canadians opened door to reconciliation by Kevin P. Considine National Catholic Reporter
'Tell those Nazis to come out': Police make five arrests after abortion activists harangued Catholics at The Basilica of St. Patrick's Old Cathedral in New York City by Natasha Anderson Daily Mail
In Kansas abortion vote, a blow to Catholic bishops’ political strategy by Jack Jenkins Religion News Service
Poland sees 90% drop in legal abortions after landmark court ruling by Luke Coppen The Pillar
Finally! The unborn now have a fighting chance! by Tony Magliano Clarion Herald
Kansas archbishop: Catholics should counter pro-abortion ‘bullying’ with truth by Leonardo Colon Catholic News Agency
Young Adults Celebrate ‘End of Death Roe’ Party by Hannah Cote National Catholic Register
A ‘sunny child’ from Ukraine lays bare all hearts by Gina Christian CatholicPhilly
House bill to codify Roe is ‘unjust, extreme,’ say USCCB committee chairmen by Catholic News Service/CatholcPhilly
The issue ignored in Dobbs and the overturning of Roe by Raymond B. Marcin The Catholic World Report
Abortion is not a ‘Jewish value’ for all Jews by Avi Shafran Religion News Service
USCCB Official Warns of Rise in ‘Polite Persecution’ of Catholic Views on Abortion and Sexuality Internationally by Lauretta Brown National Catholic Register
Life and death after Dobbs by Robert Brennan Angelus
A new executive order aims to preserve abortion access, but its reach is limited by Juliana Kim NPR
Podcast: What Catholics actually think about abortion and Roe v. Wade by Ashley McKinless and Zac Davis. America
Pope Francis Comments on Roe vs Wade by Dr. Dermot Kearney Catholic Arena
Pro-lifer 3.0 to abortion-rights supporters: Let's talk by Charles C. Camosy The Pilot
‘I Miss My Child Every Day’: Women Speak of Post-Abortion Trauma as Nation Shifts From ‘Law of the Land’ Mentality by Roxane Salonen National Catholic Reporter
Vatican Official Says ‘Roe’ Ruling Should Open ‘Great Debate’ on Protecting Life at Every Stage by The Tablet
Scottish Bishops call for abortion issue to be handled with respect and civility by Independent Catholic News
The End of Roe by Commonweal Magazine
Why was Roe v. Wade overturned? Here’s a look at some of the reasons given by Jonah McKeown Catholic News Agency/The Catholics World Report
French government supports enshrining abortion in constitution by AFP/ France24
Pondering the temptation to power in wake of historic Roe v. Wade ruling by John L. Allen Jr. Crux
Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade in historic abortion decision by Katie Yoder and Shannon Mullen Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Vatican official says ‘Roe’ ruling should open ‘great debate’ on protecting life at every stage by Elise Ann Allen Crux
‘We’ve done our part’: End of Roe brings answer to prayer by Matt Sedensky The Associated Press/ Crux
The End of Roe: First Responses from Pro-Life Leaders by J. Basil Dannebohm OnePeter Five
Roe Vs Wade OVERTURNED by Catholic Arena
Supreme Court overturns Roe in anticipated Dobbs decision by Carol Zimmermann Catholic News Service/Angelus
Roe v. Wade is overturned. What happens next? by Jonah McKeown Catholic News Service/ Angelus
Cardinal O’Malley’s statement on the overturning of Roe v. Wade by The Pilot
Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade in historic abortion decision by ACI Prensa/The Pilot
US Bishops welcome Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v Wade by Christopher Wells Vatican News
Holcomb calls special session in July, Indiana lawmakers could pass abortion restrictions by Kaitlin Lange Indianapolis Star
On abortion, Muslim Americans say Islamic history is ‘on the side of mercy’ by Alejandra Molina Religion News Service
U.S. abortions increase by nearly 70,000 in three years, reversing long-term decline by Katie Yoder Catholic News Agency
Some clinics halting abortions while bracing for Roe’s fall by Stephen Groves The Associated Press
Abortion and Law by Commonweal
End Roe—and then fight the primary cause of abortion by Monica Migliorino Miller The Catholic World Report
COMECE reiterates call for right of unborn children to life by Benedict Mayaki SJ Vatican News
Letter from Colorado bishops to Catholic lawmakers who backed abortion law by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Catholic leader criticizes EU Parliament for backing motion on US abortion law by Catholic News Agency
Abortion and Law by Commonweal
Abortion, Roe vs Wade and Jewish law by Shlomo M. Brody The Jerusalem Post
No confusion about a new poll: Most U.S. Catholics disagree with church leaders on abortion and L.G.B.T. issues by Robert David Sullivan America
Awaiting the Supreme Court by Gertrude Clarke The Catholic Herald
Abortion in America: The Fight For Life by The Tablet
Abortion’s brutal hidden truth by Tony Magliano The Southern Cross
The most revolting pro-abortion defenses are the practical ones by Andrew Petiprin The Catholic World Report
John Paul II’s mom chose life after her doctor advised an abortion by Courtney Mares Catholic News Agency
Spain prepares to liberalize abortion access by Inés San Martín Crux
NJ bishops express 'outrage' over plan to mandate insurance coverage for abortion by Joe Bukuras Catholic News Agency
Medical expert debunks false claims of Planned Parenthood about abortion in El Salvador by David Ramos Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Legal scrutiny delays Northern Ireland limits on pro-life outreach at abortion clinics by Kevin J. Jones Catholic News Agency
Priest Slams NPR’s Abortion Coverage For Leaving Pro-Life Voices Out by James Martin, SJ Fox News/Good Word News
Spanish bill would allow girls 16 and 17 to get an abortion without parental consent by Marta Gómez de Castro Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Catholics under attack: Incidents since SCOTUS draft abortion decision, by state by ACI Prensa/The Pilot
Catholics under attack: Incidents since SCOTUS draft abortion decision, by state by Catholic News Agency
Wisconsin pro-life group's HQ set ablaze in apparent arson attack, police say by Catholic News Agency
Pro-life activists offer $25k for information about DC abortion doctor by Katie Yoder Catholic News Agency
Colorado parish defaced with pro-abortion graffiti for second time in seven months by Jonah McKeown Catholic News Agency
How overturning Roe v Wade would affect Latin America by Diego Lopez Marina Catholic News Agency
I’ve wanted Roe v. Wade overturned my entire life. So why don’t I feel better now? by Simcha Fisher America
Are Americans a people? Here’s why abortion is the ultimate litmus test by John A. Monaco Catholic World Report
Oklahoma lawmakers pass Texas-style six-week abortion law by Jonah McKeown Catholic News Agency/Catholic World Report
Abortion word games by Russell Shaw Angelus
Catholic priest reveals role in DC aborted babies case: 'I buried them myself' by Katie Yoder Catholic News Agency/Angelus
Abortion ban after 15 weeks signed into law in Florida by Anthony Izaguirr The Associated Press
Oklahoma House passes near-total abortion ban with threat of prison for providers by Gabriella Borter Reuters
Maryland law dedicates $3.5 million to 'abortion care' training yearly by Katie Yoder Catholic News Agency
Catholic Church Asks to Intervene in Idaho Abortion Lawsuit by The Associated Press/U.S.News
Men and Abortion: Cause and Cure by Lois Kerschen Patheos
Cardinal Müller: “Demanding abortion as a human right is unsurpassable in its cynicism” by Lothar Christian Rilinger Catholic World Report
Spain criminalizes pro-life witness near abortion clinics by ACI Prensa Catholic News Service
Catholic leaders react to new state-level abortion legislation by John Lavenburg Crux
Law, politics, and five abortion victims: Will justice prevail in DC? by Kevin J. Jones Catholic News Agency
Catholic leaders react to new state-level abortion legislation by John Lavenburg Crux
Pro-life activist says fetuses kept in her home are proof of illegal late-term abortions by Catholic News Service/America
Oklahoma legislature passes near-total ban on abortion by Veronica Stracqualursi CNN
Pro-life group says it obtained remains of 115 aborted babies discarded by DC clinic by Jonah McKeown and Katie Yoder Catholic News Agency
Idaho Governor Signs Abortion Ban Modeled on Texas Law by Keith Ridler The Associated Press/ The Skanner
West Virginia's new law bars abortions of unborn diagnosed with disability by The Pilot
W.Va. gov signs law barring abortion because of disability by Leah Willingham The Associated Press/ABC News
Pro-lifers speak out as ‘DIY abortion’ amendment advances by Joe Bukuras Catholic News Agency
Colorado abortion bill dehumanizes the unborn, public testifies by Jonah McKeown Catholic News Service
Abortion pill reversal treatment permitted by CathNews New Zealand
Catholic leaders say bill could make Colorado 'most radical abortion state' by Catholic News Service/Angelus
UK ban on doctor’s abortion pill reversals reversed by CathNews
Across Colombia, half a million march for life after court decriminalizes abortion by ACI Prensa Catholic News Agency
Colombia’s highest court legalizes abortion up to 24 weeks by Manuel Rueda Religion News Service
U.S. prelates oppose plan to codify Roe v. Wade in federal law by John Lavenburg Crux
Colombian Bishops express sadness over decriminalization of abortion by Anna Poce Vatican News
Justice Byron White and Abortion by Hadley Arkes The Catholic Thing
Abortion and Communities of Color: How Misinformation Can Cloud The Progress by Currents News
Abortions in Texas fell 60% in 1st month under new limits by Paul J. Weber The Associated Press
European bishops hit back against Macron abortion plan by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Tennessee Down syndrome abortion ban back in effect while legal challenges continue by Jonah McKeown Catholic News Agency/the Catholic World Report
Catholic cop wins $75K settlement after suspension for praying at abortion clinic by Katie Yoder Catholic News Agency
Germany’s new government to scrap Nazi-era abortion law by Kate Connolly The Guardian
Catholics pray for victims of ‘injustice’ of abortion at Requiem Mass by Angelus
Roe or no, those affected by abortion need mercy, compassion, and healing by Mary McClusky Angelus
Abortion and the Problem of the “Parental Project” by John M. Grondelski The Catholic Thing
Roe or no, those affected by abortion need mercy, compassion, and healing by Mary McClusky Angelus
On abortion, Catholics—including politicians—can’t reduce the issue to a question of ‘choice’ by Sam Sawyer, S.J. America
NYT report fuels concerns that many abortions are based on false test results by Christine Rousselle and Katie Yoder Catholic News Agency
Catholic Bishops concerned at defeat of Severe Fetal Impairment Abortion (Amendment Bill) by Independent Catholic News
New Jersey allows non-doctors to perform abortion by Christine Rousselle Catholic News Agency
Pro-life advocates decry FDA decision allowing women to get abortion pills by mail by Katie Yoder Catholic News Agency/Angelus
US Bishops’ Pro-Life Chairman Denounces FDA on Chemical Abortion Pill saying “Every life is sacred: the lives of mothers and the lives of the unborn." by Catholic News World
Congressman with alleged terrorism ties backs effort to decriminalize abortion in Peru by Diego Lopez Marina Catholic News Agency
Abortion review described as ‘cold house’ to pro-life perspectives by The Irish Catholic
‘California doesn’t need more abortion,’ bishops say in response to sanctuary plan by Angelus
Mexican cardinals and bishops convicted for denouncing pro-abortion, socialist government by The Catholic World Report
Mike Pence calls on Supreme Court to overturn Roe v Wade by Katie Yoder Catholic News Agency
Leading pro-life bishops: Catholic Church must be prepared if Roe overturned by Catholic News Agency
End of the line for Roe v. Wade? by Russell Shaw Angelus
The Conversion Story of Ignatius is So Much More Than One Battle by Patrick Hyland, SJ The Jesuit Post
New resource informs doctors about abortion pill reversal by Catholic News Agency
Abortion and the average Joes and Janes by Robert Brennan Angelus
Changing hearts and minds on abortion by Catherine Pepinster The Tablet
In win for Anglican nuns, Supreme Court orders new scrutiny for New York mandatory abortion coverage by Kevin J. Jones Catholic News Agency
Catholic Connections to Abortion History by Lois Kerschen Patheos
Jon Meacham Disinvited From Alabama College After Student Anti-Abortion Protest by Dessi Gomez The Wrap/Microsoft News
Context is king in understanding Pope’s approach to Biden on abortion by John L. Allen Jr Crux
Cardinal Burke: Bishops have ‘sacred duty’ to apply canon law to pro-abortion Catholic politicians by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
White House: Pope Francis ‘has spoken differently’ than Biden on abortion by Matt Hadro Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Abortion is failing women: An interview with Angela Wu Howard by Autumn Jones Catholic News Agency
US bishops warn against ‘extreme’ abortion provisions in budget bills by Christine Rousselle Catholic News Agency
John Paul II’s mom chose life after her doctor advised an abortion by Courtney Mares Catholic News Agency
Abortionist tried to bribe Marian Blue Wave volunteers praying at abortion clinic by Joseph M. Hanneman The Catholic World Report
Fauci, Abortion and Dogs by Catholic Arena
40 Women scholars challenge the narrative that abortion leads to equality by P Mauro Aleteia
Healing from an Abortion - Help Her Be Brave
Pro-Life Native Americans March for Life
Abortion Survivor Meets Her Birth Mother
ABORTION: MURDERING THE INNOCENT - 5th Commandment (The Ten Commandments, #12)
Fr. Paul Scalia on Catholic Approach to Abortion
Mother Asked Why She Didn't Have Abortion, Answer Touches Hearts of Her Critics - Erika Kurre
Mia Love Speech at the March For Life
Anti-Abortion Provision Halts Human Trafficking Bill
Allegations of Forced Sterilizations in Peru